
Strange Brew

Once you are tagged you must tell 10 weird, strange, or just simple facts about yourself

Here is mine...

1. I have to pick off the chocolate that surrounds Twix and Kitkats because I only like the inside part. And I like chocolate, I just dont want it screwin up my twix and kitkat!

2. I'm freakishly cold. I always have to have a blanket or socks on my feet. hmm

3. I like the taste of envelope glue.haha Yes I do!

4. My most favorite smell is when my kids were babies and their feet would get sweaty...I liked to smell their little toes...I mean it wasnt stinky like grown people..just sweet little baby sweat.

5. My Grannys cousin was Joan Crawford...ya know...Mommy dearest...the actress that beat her kids with clothes hangers...the only woman to accept an oscar from her bed at home...BIZARRO!!

6. I love eating communion wafers. THey are so yummy. But then our church switched to actual bread and I was sad.

7. If I drink coke it HAS TO BE FROM THE FOUNTAIN!! Not can, not bottles...the FOUNTAIN!

8. I still like to read Trixie Belden books from when I was little.

9. I dont like bugs that have sticky legs so when you try to flick them off and all they do is stick to your finger....yeah I'm probably gonna flip out over that.

10. I love to read Uncle Remus stories to the kids using all my Brer voices...and yeah...I got brer rabbit, fox and bear down. I even have an uncle remus voice.

So now you know....;-)

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