
Movie Popcorn Shoes

yes I am making up for lost time here and probably because I will forget again that I have a blog so in preparation I have determined that publishing a slew of entries will help to combat BADD -Blog Awareness deficit Disorder - weird word deficit - deficit - deficit - just say it 10 times in a row OUT LOUD - it is weird

anyway - It is really strange but I have these shoes that my kids call the movie popcorn shoes. It is the only pair of tennis shoes I have that after I take them off they actually smell like movie popcorn. I've never worn them to the movies - never spilled popcorn butter in them but they really do smell like that. I'm a little disturbed by the fact that my kids like to shove their noses into the shoes to get a big whiff when I take them off. Really considering ditching the movie popcorn shoes but I guess it could be worse and actually smell like foots. Foots should be a word. Feet is teef spelled backwards and Teef is actually used by some people to describe those white squarish things in our moufs.

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