
Still Trippin'

That's right - still trippin over the waxing "incident". I was able to return the haired up sticky teeny spatula and rest of the wax to walmart. HAHA Suckers! And as much as I LOATHE the local walmart - i find myself more often than not meandering through the aisles. Meandering because I tend to go there about 9 at night when they pull out all the "new" merchandise into the aisles making it a customers obstacle course. I was sidetracked last night in the toy aisle by the 20Questions game. I suppose it is like an updated Magic 8 ball type thing. You think of something and then it guesses what it is. And the darn thing works most of the time. Except when I tried to do the SO (signif other) and it came up orangutan - which I find tremendously funny and dangerously accurate. Hard words to spell - orangutan and Guatemalan. Good thing there is not a Guatemalan orangutan.....must really stop writing blog entries past my bedtime. And just why exactly is the other so significant anyway? Apparently MY significant other (which I can only presume to mean your other half) is actually NOT the current SO. Thus it is safe to say that since 1 in 3 marriages end in divorce, that there are a lot of people out there inaccurately labeled to begin with as someone's significant other. Once again, ...must quit blogging when

tired, cranky, PMS'ing etc etc...a word I like....deliberations...no reason, just like the way it feels...

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