
THE Mystery of Car Sitting!!

It is really creepy. Looking out the window at the grey sky, there are like a MILLION large Black birds sitting on the bare branches of the tree. Feel like I am in that Hitchcock movie...oh you know the one....the name escapes me at the moment. Fortunately I have 10 hungry cats that would like to get a piece of THAT action. Of course even scarier is being surrounded by 10 hungry cats that are just staring at you silently...like they are plotting your slow demise.

Note to self: DO not have anymore cats than you can take on in a fight.
Hmmm looks like I may have to do some "pruning".

So speaking of cats, as aforementioned, my crazy neighbor has one she keeps in a cat carrier like ALL THE TIME. SHe also is ALWAYS sitting in her car. Seriously, I go out in the morning...IN her car....at 9 pm...IN her car. ALWAYS in her car. Very strange. I know she has a house as it is right next door. She isnt smoking anything that I can tell. SHe is just very special. What we used to call "touched". AND she does drive. So she grasps the rules of the roads and concepts of traffic lights but hasn't quite gotten hold of actually moving from the car into the house. I wonder if she just sits there until one of her parents - who she lives with - comes out side to tell her it is ok to come on in. Don't know. Have tried to look busy in the car myself after pulling into my driveway when I have noticed her sitting in her car. I CANT DO IT. 10 min into it I think this is insane and have to escape. BUt she just sits there. Maybe she is taking a nap. Maybe she doesnt know how to work the radio inside the house. She has her own apartment in the house which she hasnt moved into yet though it has been ready for 3 months. I think she is scared. More scarey would be sitting in the car at night for hours at a time! She does hold a job though! I think she has worked at the gas station for about the last 25 years. Good for her. I'm just baffled by the car sitting.

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