
Conversations with Paris #3

At a party thrown by the Hiltons for their Cali state reps, Paris was overheard having this conversation with Gov Schwarzenegger, demonstrably showing her grasp on all things political. After all, what is more political than Hollywood???????

arnold: So deed you watch eeny of de Presidents State of de Younion addresssss?
Paris: Yeah it's sad about that. (as she flips her hair)

Arnold: WHot do you meeeeen?
Paris: Oh you know... the state of it all. But I know how hard it can be to speak to people like that. In fact, I have prepared my own state of the union. I'm not really looking forward to it though.

Arnold (humorously surprised): ok, whot eeeeeees eeeeeet abowt?
Paris: Well I have to address some issues with my show of course. It is so hot, but I have to let people know what is going on with it. People are always wanting to know about it, so I though what better way than to give a state of the union.

Arnold: Well I luke forwahd to dat.
Paris: So totally, I plan on wearing a great vera wang, and Nicole will be there but she won't look as good as me because that isnt possible, well maybe if she lost a few more pounds she could come close. I want people to know I am still hot. And of course I will have some kind of animal. I used to want a monkey but then I heard they like to flick poo and I just dont have the time to train it to flick poo on Nicole right now.

Arnold: fleeeck poooo?! Haw veerry Hahleewoood.
Paris: Thanks! I thought so too. I am going to shake things up this year after keeping such a low profile. I can't let people think I'm losing my hotness. No offense.

Arnold: None taken. Seems you ahr reeeely into poleeteecs?
Paris: Oh yeah, I would love to be first lady except they are all so old. Think of all the great parties you could have at the white house. I would paint it pink though and put up a BIG privacy fence so people would mind their own biz. And you could invite all the poor country's over and feed them and let them see all your stuff, so that if they are nice to you they might get another invite. But then again they might stink cause poor country's dont have bathrooms to get clean. They actually bathe in mud. hmmm, I think i'd rather pay someone to train the monkey to fling poo at people I don't like. I'm sure they have a monkey whisperer and..

Arnold: Excuuse mee, I hav to go. By de way, Do you vote?
Paris: oh yeah, as long as it is in my planner but sometimes I forget. I just don't ever hear about it. It isn't really hot, ya know?

Arnold: Gooood gihrl. Veery Gooood.

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