
Great Hallucinations Part 2

part 1 was ....brief. I was reading about absinthe...hmmmm....hallucinogenic alcohol. Don't know if I would want to try that. I think you just swirl it around your glass, dump it out, then pour in the OTHER alcohol and drink and hallucigenize away. I made that word up i think. Hallucingenize - in the act of hallucinating.

hallucinate - that doesnt look right to me. Not a word I use often. I would be afraid of a bad nightmarish kind of hallucination. I have such vivid dreams that I'm sure some of the key components of them would pop into my hallucination...like tornadoes with devil heads and talking 1/2 fox 1/2 really tiny appaloosa and elves that are wicked and candy that flies down from the moon that turns to acid on your skin. That right there is about 5 dreams I do remember. Freaky....Wasnt on a hallucinogenic then either though it is quite possible I was drunk.

too bad they cant guarantee Great hallucinations like

Johnny Depp in a pirates costume.......eeerrrrrrrrr....or giant talking Koi and rainbow cloud cars, magic stretchy fingers and lots of living purple pogo sticks with wings and eagle talons. Perhaps throw in a weird little GoGo DoDo and the little aliens from sesame street that just say yep yep yep yep yep uh huh uh huh

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