
Truck Balls

That should really about say it all don't you think. TRUCK BALLS!!!!!

I saw it today, fake though fairly real looking balls hanging from the back of a truck. I guess they were a little bigger than normal, perhaps they were more like Shaq's balls - only white.

SO(signif other) :"um yeah" so unimpressed

Me:"I really can't believe some ignorant damn redneck would put balls, strategically placed even, on his truck and drive around like that. WHat does that mean? That he doesnt have some little sissy truck - his truck has REAL balls. That is just so stupid" (incredulous little rant - hoping never to have to explain to 6 yr old why there are balls, nads, nards, gems, moneybags, nuts, etc etc hanging from a truck)

SO:"um it's not that uncommon. It's been around for a while."
blah blah habla habla what ever. So disinterested.

I'VE NEVER seen truck balls before. Where the hell has the SO been to see truck balls. Probably used to have a pair.

So the guy driving the truck wasnt just some little punk kid like I half expected but a 70 year old man. uuuuuughghgh

Maybe they are actually his............

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